New Release: Rainbows Over Hiroshima - Original Music From the Play. Free Download!

Original music from the play Rainbows Over Hiroshima. The theater production is based on the play of the Japanese playwright Hisashi Inoue's "A life with a father". It was created by a team of artists from Japan, Russia, Israel and Unites States.
Director and writer - Evgeniya Boginskaya (Russia) Painter - Ilshat Vildanov (Russia) Translation - Marie Ёnehara (Japan) Composer - Tarumi Kazunori (Japan) Electronic Music - Sasha Raskin (USA) Movement - Igor Lamba (Russia) A teacher of Russian speech - Vladimir Kustov (Russia) Artists: Philippe Mogilnitsky (Israel) - AMDT actor Mariko Irie (Japan) Theater of Europe actor